5月4日, the 主要研究 Center for the Humanities will host a reception to honor the last book by longtime center director Burt Feintuch


A photo exhibit by New Hampshire’s seventh Artist Laureate, 加里孙, is now on display at the 海岸非裔美国人文化中心 (SAACC), 展示照片 克里奥尔灵魂:Zydeco的生活. 该书于2022年11月由 密西西比大学出版社 作为其 美国制造音乐系列, features interviews with 柴迪科舞音乐ians in Texas and Louisiana conducted by Burt Feintuch, 一种民俗, 音乐民族志澳门葡京网赌游戏, 主要研究教授(英文授课), founder of the Ghana study abroad program and longtime director of the 主要研究 Center for the Humanities, 2018年谁去世了. 参孙的随附照片, 其中一些是本次展览的一部分, capture the lively and eclectic music scene and offer intimate portraits of the featured musicians.

5月4日,星期四,下午6点到8点.m., SAACC will host a reception, open to the public, to celebrate the book and the exhibit.

由前朴茨茅斯教师Vernis M. 杰克逊, 海岸非裔美国人文化中心 is located at 10 Middle Street in the Discover Portsmouth Building. 在音乐会, 教育项目, 著名艺术家展览, an active book group and valuable collections of African artifacts, SAACC makes it its mission to showcase the contributions of individuals of African descent in the seacoast community.

The celebration on May 4 will feature food and drinks, 柴迪科舞音乐, a conversation with the book’s editor and a chance for guests to view the photo exhibit. 的副本 克里奥尔语的灵魂 是否可以购买. 建议的捐款是15美元. 我们鼓励有兴趣的人参加 回复, 由于空间和食物有限.

According to its write-up in 密西西比大学出版社's catalog, “克里奥尔灵魂:Zydeco的生活 is an exquisitely photographed volume of interviews with contemporary 柴迪科舞音乐ians. Featuring the voices of zydeco’s venerable senior generation and its current agents of change, this book celebrates a musical world full of passion, 能源, 牛仔帽和靴子, 敲低音, 马拖车, 快乐, 还有炫目的舞步. Author Burt Feintuch captures an important American music in the process of significant—and sometimes controversial—change....

“...音乐家们畅所欲言。, whether discussing the death of a famed musician or describing a memorable performance, such as when Boozoo Chavis played the accordion while dripping blood on stage shortly after a freak barbeque-building accident that sliced off parts of two of his fingers. They address the influence of rap on today’s 柴迪科舞音乐 and discuss how to pass music along to a younger generation — and how not to. They weigh the merits of the old-time zydeco clubs versus today’s casinos and African American trailrides, which come complete with horses and the loudest zydeco bands you can imagine. In 克里奥尔语的灵魂, 柴迪科舞音乐ians give an unprecedented look into their lives, their music, and their culture.”

The book caps a long career during which Feintuch published widely and conducted ethnographic field research in roots music cultures in Great Britain, 美国和加拿大. He also produced documentary sound recordings for Smithsonian Folkways Recordings and the Rounder label and a video documentary about African American gospel music that had a national airing on PBS. He is the author or editor of more than seven books, including 肯塔基州民间音乐:注释书目; 《血中:布雷顿角文化对话; and 谈论新奥尔良音乐: Crescent City Musicians Talk about Their Lives, 他们的音乐, 和他们的城市.

This year, Portsmouth is celebrating its 400th anniversary, and 朴茨茅斯NH 400 will “bring the community together to create opportunities to celebrate and tell our stories through programs, 事件, 展品, 还有遗留项目."虽然他是从肯塔基州来到新英格兰的, Feintuch lived in New Hampshire for many years and was deeply connected to both the 主要研究 community and to Portsmouth, 他住的地方. 他的研究经常集中在该地区. 2005年,他与大卫·沃特斯(David Watters)合作出版了 新英格兰百科全书  (耶鲁大学出版社). 这本书的, then-director of the National Endowment for the Humanities William Ferris said, "I am especially pleased that [the] encyclopedia carefully explore[s] both the older Yankee culture and the more recent ethnic and black traditions that have shaped New England life. These diverse, complex worlds will offer an important new understanding of New England."

Feintuch passed away in 2018, while still working on his book of interviews with 柴迪科舞音乐ians. 他的长期伴侣, 珍妮·班克斯·托马斯, 他实地考察时谁经常陪伴他, 完成并编辑该书. 班克斯·托马斯是一位民俗学家, 美国民俗学会会员, and a Professor of English at Utah State University. She is the author or co-author of several books, including P消除超自然现象 (2015); 令人难以忘怀的经历 (2007); Naked Barbies, Warrior Joes, and Other Forms of Visible Gender (2003); and Featherless Chickens, Laughing Women, and Serious Stories (1997).

根据Dan willing的说法 弱拍的, “[Gary] Samson’s stunning 58-color photographs of the subjects, 观众, trailrides, 表演, 动感十足的舞蹈是[克里奥尔语的灵魂以及它的吸引力." 

加里孙 is a fine art photographer and photo educator who has received numerous awards, grants and fellowships for his work over the past 45 years. Samson has taught photography courses and workshops 区域 and internationally since 1981. In 2001 he was appointed chair of the photography department at 新罕布什尔艺术学院, 曼彻斯特, where he taught both digital and traditional film based photography courses. In 2017, Governor Chris Sununu appointed Samson the seventh Artist Laureate of New Hampshire. 参孙的一些研究对象包括唐纳德·霍尔, 乔恩·布鲁克斯, 伊丽莎白·耶茨, 达德利Laufman, 乐天雅可比, 理查德·惠特尼, 詹姆斯Aponovich, 大卫·兰姆.  他的 photographs are included in the permanent collections of the Currier Museum of Art, 新罕布什尔艺术学院, 新罕布什尔州, 澳门葡京网赌游戏艺术博物馆, 和国会图书馆, 以及私人收藏. Samson has produced documentary films that have been aired locally, 区域, and nationally and has organized and curated 展品 in the U.S. 和国外.

Collaborating with Feintuch, Samson photographically illustrated the books 《在血液中:文化对话; T谈论新奥尔良音乐; and now 克里奥尔灵魂:Zydeco的生活.

他的 克里奥尔语的灵魂 photos will remain up — and open to the public — at SAACC until June 10.

October 23, 2015: Burt Feintuch interviews Irma Thomas at her home in New Orleans
因为他的前一本书 谈论新奥尔良音乐.  加里孙摄.