In-State Tuition Status

Students outside on UNH campus

Residency is determined at the time of admission for degree students and at registration for non-degree students.  A student's residence, for tuition purposes, is considered to be that of their parent, unless the student is emancipated.  To qualify for In-State tuition status a student [or his/her parents if a dependent] must physically reside in New Hampshire for no less than twelve continuous months prior to the term for which In-state status is desired, must reside in New Hampshire for some purpose other than attending the University, and meet all the other requirements of the tuition rules.

Students who have become New Hampshire residents after admission may apply for a change in tuition status by filing an Application for In-state Status. All students applying for in-state status for tuition purposes must fully complete the application (including supporting documents) before it will be accepted. Providing full information will aid in presenting clear and convincing evidence of your status. In cases where the question is not applicable, write "NA” in the space provided. Information that is provided should support that the student or parent has established his/her residence and domicile in New Hampshire for some purpose other than the temporary or primary one of obtaining an education. The rules and regulations of the residency requirements specify that the burden of proof is on the student. You may attach a letter of explanation or additional documents to support your application.

Submit the completed form to the Office of the 注册商 by the deadline listed below:

秋天 semester - September 1
Spring semester - January 1

Students will be notified by email sent to the UNH student email address once a determination has been made.